Aug 27, 2010

When Children Play...contd..

5. Fighting Flying Kite.

Place: open field
Period: windy season

Kite designed for 'dog fight' in  air flying kites event. The design of the kite simply using bamboo sticks as its frame, while the body made of very thin square paper. The kites were all equiped with razor sharp thread. The thread was earlier had been dipped and smeared with mixed liquid gum comprises such as bulb or glasses powder. Actually these powders were manually pounds using stone pounders, and to the kite flyers they knew which powders would gave good results during flying kites fighting. The thrilled were, when you manage to cut loose the opponent kites thread and witnessing the winner kite zig zagging or swirled in action like fighter plane aerial dog fight, while the looser's kite  drifted down. Then, every children on the ground rushed to catch it. The one who got it became the new owner of the kite.

Yes its really fun game, full of tactical manoeuvre, but remember the DIY preparation and tasks must be well coordinated in order to be a winner in the kite fighting event. From self made kite design to thread's strength, all these got to be skilfully considered.

I wonder now whether this sort of game still exist!

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