Sep 2, 2010

When children start to play...contd..

During my childhood playing time, once.. I could not afford to buy a set of game called monopoly. One of my friend had one set of this game and boastly show off their skill in playing this best played 4 persons game. My friends were all bigger than me, so  I always had no chance to play monopoly accept sat aside watching them do their sting. Its very interesting game for kids as if you are among the richess, bidding and exercising a little purchasing power! ( but later I found the outcome; although there were some positive values, you may be addicted and became too materialistic).

Very keen to have fun with the game, force me to make my own monopoly set. Its one of my early DIY stuff.  My monopoly set finishing look exactly like originale especially in the aspect of the layouts and concept, except the bidding and strolling  board are not folded type because its made of plywood 2.5ft by 2.5ft. I remembered the supporting materials used, including magic pens, vanguard papers and 2 dice with mug as a shuffler. I borrowed my dad's typewritter (At that time no such thing like laptop.. o.k..) to type written the chance and community cards while the moneys were drawn- using the magic pen. I'm just could'nt help laughing, the monopoly drawn dollar notes featuring my bald friend face as its legal tender note crest.

For everybody who ever played monopoly before, I think you'll know what I meant when myself standing tall having to say this to my bullying friends, "Hey! comrades would you like a new kind of monopoly game!" They joyously rushed to me with big deal to play together and off course to their astonishment seeing big unfolded colourful board...... with local artistic currency!


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